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Produkt zum Begriff Financial:

  • Financial Times Guide to the Financial Markets
    Financial Times Guide to the Financial Markets

    From bestselling author Glen Arnold, this is a jargon-busting book that describes how financial markets work, where they are located and how they impact on everyday life. It assumes no specialised prior knowledge of finance theory and provides an authoritative and comprehensive run-down of the workings of the modern financial system.Using real world examples from media such as the Financial Times, Arnold gives an international perspective on the financial markets with frequent comparisons in the workings of major financial centres such as the Bank of England and the City, the Federal Reserve System and Wall Street, the Japanese Central Bank, the European Central Bank and IMF and World Bank.

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Financial Accounting
    Financial Accounting

    Gain a deeper understanding of the Financial Accounting principles with a leading text written by an expert in the field.Financial Accounting, 8th edition by Pauline Weetman, is a core textbook written by an expert teacher in the field that will offer you the resources you need to explore and acquire a deeper understanding of a wide range of concepts around the discipline.This text is ideal for undergraduates in Business Studies degrees, Undergraduates in Accounting courses, students studying Accounting for MBA and Postgraduate courses, and Professional courses introducing Accounting for the first time.This edition focuses on retaining all the features that have contributed to its popularity, including accounting equations, a clear and accessible writing style, a range of student activities throughout the book, and the extensive use of real-world case studies, offering you a deeper understanding of the topics.Key features:Definitions and terminology aligned with the 2018 IASB Conceptual Framework.Fully up-to-date with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).New case studies provide examples from real-world companies.Activities aligned to each chapter section, encouraging students to explore and consider issues from different angles.Experience-driven conversations throughout the book between two managers expanded for this edition and updated with an even greater practical emphasis.Extensive coverage of fair value is provided throughout the text.Exploration of the Strategic Report and Directors' Report.Focus on specific knowledge outcomes with end-of-chapter self-evaluations.Questions testing your understanding are graded according to difficulty.With a strong emphasis on the 2018 Conceptual Framework of the International Accounting Standards Board, this text is an essential resource that will guide you through the 'whys' and not just the'whats' of Financial Accounting.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Financial Times Handbook of Financial Engineering, The
    Financial Times Handbook of Financial Engineering, The

    The Financial Times Handbook of Financial Engineering clearly explains the tools of financial engineering, showing you the formulas behind the tools, illustrating how they are applied, priced and hedged. All applications in this book are illustrated with fully-worked practical examples, and recommended tactics and techniques are tested using recent data. 

    Preis: 92.01 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Financial Accounting & Reporting
    Financial Accounting & Reporting

    For second year Financial Accounting modules or modules on Financial Reporting on undergraduate and MBA courses. Available with MyLab Accounting    Well-structured, informative, and enriched with relevant examples. The coverage of established and contemporary issues within financial accounting and reporting is comprehensive.' Dr Chloe Wu, Lecturer and Assistant Professor in Accounting and Finance, University of Leeds   Gain a comprehensive understanding of financial accounting and reporting, and learn to prepare and discuss financial statements  The20th edition of Financial Accounting and Reporting by Jamie Elliott and Barry Elliott provides a comprehensive overview of financial accounting and reporting,equipping you with the knowledgetoprepareandcritically discussIFRS compliant financial statements,and introducing you to thecommercial issues surrounding these.Now with enhanced coverage of interpretation of financial statements, ethical issues and accountability,the authors provide essential knowledge for advancing your studies and career.   Key features Exercises of varying difficulty including questions from past exam papers of professional accounting bodies Illustrations taken from real-world international company reports and accounts, whichhave been updated for this edition andhelp to demonstrate the applications of key principles in the life of real companies Up-to-date content includingnew materialon accountability,sustainability,ethical problemsand the future of audit services Includesthe latest accounting standards set out intheIFRS,IASandthe Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, plus a discussion of theproposed IFRS on General Presentation and Disclosure Improved flowof topics and revised explanations makes the text even easier to follow and use  Instructors, pair this text withMyLabAccounting By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLabAccountinghas been expanded for this editionto better align with feedback received from accounting course leaders andnowincludes over1600questions that can be assigned to students, including more exercises on accounts preparation for group accounts.  Pearson, the world's learning company. 

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wer von euch weiß, was Findom (Financial Domination) ist?

    Findom, auch bekannt als Financial Domination, ist eine Form des BDSM, bei der eine Person (meist eine Frau) die Kontrolle über die Finanzen einer anderen Person übernimmt. Der devote Partner gibt freiwillig Geld oder Geschenke an die dominante Person, um sich unterwürfig zu zeigen. Findom kann online oder persönlich praktiziert werden und beinhaltet oft auch psychologische Machtspiele. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Findom nur im gegenseitigen Einverständnis und auf freiwilliger Basis praktiziert werden sollte.

  • Wie viel Euro zieht PPRO Financial Ltd ab?

    PPRO Financial Ltd zieht eine Gebühr von 1,50 Euro pro Transaktion ab.

  • Was muss man genau studieren, um Financial Manager oder Financial Analyst zu werden? Und wie sind die Gehälter, wenn man einen Master in Finanzen hat?

    Um Financial Manager oder Financial Analyst zu werden, ist in der Regel ein Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Finanzen oder ein ähnlicher Studiengang erforderlich. Es gibt auch spezielle Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Finance. Zusätzlich kann eine Zertifizierung, wie beispielsweise der Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), von Vorteil sein. Die Gehälter für Personen mit einem Master in Finanzen variieren je nach Erfahrung, Unternehmensgröße und Standort. In der Regel liegen die Einstiegsgehälter für Financial Manager oder Financial Analysts mit einem Masterabschluss jedoch im Durchschnitt über dem Durchschnittsgehalt von Absolventen ohne Masterabschluss.

  • Was sind die aktuellsten Trends und Entwicklungen im Bereich der Financial Technology?

    Die aktuellsten Trends im Bereich der Financial Technology sind die verstärkte Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen zur Analyse von Daten, die zunehmende Verbreitung von Blockchain-Technologie für sichere Transaktionen und die verstärkte Integration von Finanzdienstleistungen in mobile Apps und digitale Plattformen. Zudem gewinnen nachhaltige Finanzlösungen und ESG-Investitionen an Bedeutung in der Fintech-Branche.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Financial:

  • International Financial Reporting
    International Financial Reporting

    A focused, user-friendly introduction to international financial reporting International Financial Reporting, 8th edition by Melville employs a practical, applied approach in exploring and explaining the key financial standards. With more than 140 countries in the world now using international financial reporting standards (IFRS® Standards), knowledge of the standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB®) is vital to your success in financial accounting. Offering a thorough introduction to international financial reporting, this new edition brings the book completely up-to-date with international standards issued as of 1 January 2022. The title is suitable for second-year undergraduates studying for a degree in accounting and finance and those preparing for examinations for the professional accounting bodies. It explains each standard as clearly and concisely as possible and provides plenty of worked examples and solutions. End-of-chapter exercises feature questions from past exam papers of key professional accountancy bodies to test your grasp of the topics introduced in that chapter. 'Melville's textbook is accessible, comprehensive, reliable, and a pleasure to read.' Dr. Neil Dunne, Trinity College Dublin 'A practical book which takes a very technical subject and breaks it down into concise sections which are easy to follow.' Emma James, Swansea University Pearson, the world's learning company.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Corporate Financial Management
    Corporate Financial Management

    Discover more about the essential principles of Corporate Finance, with the ultimate guide coming from a team of leading authors in the field. Corporate Financial Management, 6th edition by Arnold and Lewis is the latest version of this comprehensive guide to the subject, written by leading authors in the financial world. This edition is ideal for students who study the topic either as a standalone subject or as part of their wider studies within business accounting, finance, banking, or economics. The book offers a complete study of the theory and practice in corporate finance, exploring a range of topics, including investment appraisal, risk and return, and sources of finance. It also discusses concepts that involve risk management, including derivatives, giving a unique treatment of corporate value. Accessible and easy to understand, the text is designed to teach you how to make informed, successful financial decisions by offering a variety of real-world case studies that apply important business concepts from theory to action. The current, thoroughly updated edition includes a plethora of existing and updated features that will support your understanding of the concepts presented in each chapter. Key features include: A clear, accessible language that illustrates the financial techniques in practical terms. New Financial Times articles that help you see the relevance between theory and the real world. A presentation of finance as a dynamic subject, that is open to theoretical re-evaluation. A large number of examples and case studies include statistics and data that range from the number of corporate mergers to default rates in corporate bonds. Mathematical explanations that are easy to follow. With a clear layout and a range of additional resources to support your understanding of the key concepts introduced, this must-have book will help you succeed in your studies and prepare you for the real financial world. This title is supported by MyFinanceLab®, an online homework and tutorial system which can be used by students for self-directed study, or instructors who can choose to fully integrate this eLearning technology into the delivery of their course. If you would like to purchase both the physical text andMyLabAccounting search for: 9781292169415 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition with MyFinanceLab®. Package consists of: 9781292140445 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition 9781292169392 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition MyFinanceLab® 9781292169385 Corporate Financial Management, 6th EditionPearsoneText MyFinanceLab® is not included. Students, if MyFinanceLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyFinanceLab®should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Global Financial Systems
    Global Financial Systems

    Global Financial Systems is an innovative, interdisciplinary text that explores the ‘why’ behind global financial stability. Danielsson draws on economic theory, finance, mathematical modelling, risk theory, and policy to posit a coherent and current analysis of the global financial system. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Horngren's Financial & Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters, Global Edition
    Horngren's Financial & Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters, Global Edition

    For courses infinancial and managerial accounting.Expanding onproven success with Horngren's accountingHorngren's Financial and Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters presents the core contentof principles of accounting courses in a fresh format designed to help today'slearners succeed. As teachers first, the author team knows the importance ofdelivering a student experience free of obstacles. Their pedagogy and contentuses leading methods in teaching students critical foundational and emergingtopics (e.g., data analytics and employability skills) in the field ofaccounting, and concentrates on improving student results all tested in classby the authors themselves. With this in mind, the 7thEdition continues to focus on readability and studentcomprehension and takes this a step further by employing a new theme to helpstudents see how accounting is used as a tool to help businesses makedecisions.Also availablewith MyLab AccountingBy combiningtrusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLabpersonalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die gängigen Methoden zur Überprüfung und Validierung von Ergebnissen in wissenschaftlichen Studien?

    Die gängigen Methoden zur Überprüfung und Validierung von Ergebnissen in wissenschaftlichen Studien sind Peer-Review, Reproduzierbarkeit und statistische Analysen. Peer-Review beinhaltet die Bewertung der Studie durch unabhängige Experten. Reproduzierbarkeit bedeutet, dass andere Forscher die Ergebnisse durch die Wiederholung des Experiments bestätigen können. Statistische Analysen helfen dabei, die Zuverlässigkeit der Ergebnisse zu überprüfen.

  • Was sind die häufigsten Fehler bei der Überprüfung und Beurteilung von Behauptungen?

    Die häufigsten Fehler bei der Überprüfung und Beurteilung von Behauptungen sind mangelnde Quellenkritik, Voreingenommenheit und unzureichende Überprüfung der Fakten. Es ist wichtig, sowohl die Glaubwürdigkeit der Quellen als auch die Motive der Personen hinter den Behauptungen zu hinterfragen. Zudem sollte man sich nicht nur auf eine Quelle verlassen, sondern verschiedene Perspektiven und Meinungen einbeziehen.

  • Wie kann die Inspektion und Beurteilung von Rohren effizient und zuverlässig durchgeführt werden?

    Die Inspektion und Beurteilung von Rohren kann effizient und zuverlässig durch den Einsatz von modernen Technologien wie Robotern oder Drohnen erfolgen. Diese können die Rohre von innen inspizieren und mögliche Schäden oder Verschleißerscheinungen identifizieren. Zudem ist eine regelmäßige Wartung und Inspektion wichtig, um Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu beheben.

  • Wie kann man die Überwachung und Kontrolle von Diabetes verbessern?

    1. Regelmäßige Blutzuckermessungen durchführen und die Ergebnisse dokumentieren. 2. Eine gesunde Ernährung und regelmäßige Bewegung in den Alltag integrieren. 3. Den behandelnden Arzt regelmäßig aufsuchen und die Therapie anpassen lassen.

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